Sunday, February 08, 2009

Book Review: The Teenage Textbook and The Teenage Workbook

No, this isnt a book review.

Published in 1988, i was horrified when i discovered how relevant these books are to current JC life after reading them. Sure, lots of things have changed. The settings, the clothings, the material stuff we have now is different. But the mindset, the attitude, the hatred for studying and the relationship between young men and young ladies are still pretty much the same. Reading them bring me all the way back to the first day of JC life.

The main character is somewhat like me. Average (but i got a lot more As than him). Living life as it comes and goes, disliking the same things, feeling the same things, living the same emotions. School starts, wake up, rush for bus, late for school, sleep in lecture, day dreaming in tutorials, noticing the opposite gender, going after them, going for parties and dances. Except for being late for school and going after the opposite gender, i guess i did pretty much the other stuff. (Being from a mixed secondary school, opposite gender isnt as big a deal for me compared to the main character.) Both books were mainly about the Orientation period. While that might not be the most fun time of my JC life, it certainly was filled with surprises and happy memories.

When i read the Teenage series, i think back and tell myself that i really miss my JC days. The books made me remember.

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