Wednesday, February 22, 2012


生活有一百种 - 卢广仲。快二十三的我,生命里好像突然好多好多风波。源源不断,一个接着一个。

有人说,有什么事就问文钦吧。友人问他,'怎么讲?为何问文钦?'。 他说,不知道,问他就对了,文钦什么都懂。

可是我说,不,我不懂。我多希望我懂。在似乎坚强的外则里是懦弱,是疑惑。也可能是心僵硬了。再痛也只是痛。 但人终究是人。你一定看见了,我有的是人的心。那心就在你掌握之中。可能你觉得好玩。可能所有的人都觉得好玩。




我想,对我来说,只要有美好回忆,那就够了。我有我的问题,你有你的顾虑。我不想,也不能要你任何的牺牲。这样很伟大吗? 自己一个人又不会怎么样。在付出多一些也不会死。有时候会累,会躲在浴室,站在里头愣着,反问反问自己在搞什么,生活的人一百条路应该怎么走。没答案,每一次都没答案。流下光脱脱的身体,也不知是水,还是泪。但感觉不错。少了一道墙,多了一披被。洗澡变成我唯一的解脱。奇怪吗?


每一个人都有过去,都会犯错。你,我,所做的,已经是过去。我说过我不会顾虑任何人的过去。那我应该放下你和我的过去,再来过。但,我过得去么? 我不知道。很多应该只有我会知道的事我都不知道。


断线的风筝,起初会飞得远,然后就掉下来,等待人来发现,修补,再飞天。你说要收线,别让线断了,等下次飞天的机会。可我没听。哪怕只是短暂的飞翔,那也值得。就算你注定擦肩而过,只要你开心。伟大? 你错了。 我也开心啊。我哭了,但我也笑了。那就够了。终有一天,我会对你的骗局了解,自己的欺骗醒悟,再傻笑。

生活就像河水,有进无退。在时间的流行中,你能停顿么? 会有一天,一百条路我得选一条。可惜的是,在这歇脚亭,一百条路还是模糊。而你,还是在遥远的平行河道,没有接近的暗示。


Saturday, February 04, 2012

Tech Speak: Get Extra Space On Dropbox


Increase your dropbox size by up to 5GB. This is part of Dropbox's experimental testing. Help them test their beta and earn free space. The new function to this beta is auto uploading of pictures/videos from your memory cards, cameras, handphones to dropbox. It's not exactly auto actually. When you insert your SD card into your computer, autoplay will show dropbox as an option (i.e. to say autoplay has to be enabled). Dropbox will auto detect your photos and copy them into a folder called "camera uploads" and starts uploading them into your dropbox. For every 500MB of data you uploaded this way, you get 500MB of free space. You get 500MB the first time you upload something, and in total you can get 5GB using this method.


I tried to copy photos I already have on my computer, put inside my SD card and then import them using autoplay. Dropbox said it did not detect any new photos. So I guess there's no easy way to trick the program. Still, this is a good method to gain more space for your dropbox.

Do make a backup of your dropbox folder just in case. I installed the beta without a hitch though. Information on how it works on Mac and Linux is in the forums post below. Download link for the beta is also there.