Thursday, December 10, 2009

Brain Storm: Why I Love Running

I drafted this a few months ago

"My buddy said its good to keep fit, but not good to be over fit. Yeah, he's referring to me. He thinks liking running and being about to run 10km with ease, is over fitness.

Running makes me feel alive, much like Henry from Time Traveler's Wife. It makes me feel satisfied, knowing that I have surpassed myself, that I have become stronger and faster. Even if I did not improve, I can at least tell myself that I have maintained, or that at least I can run faster than those fagg*ts who pant at 1km point. I always feel disappointed when I start feeling tired or give up at small millages such as 3 or 4km point. Running is a way of keeping myself in check, a way of knowing that I am still healthy. I do "sports" a lot. I don't enjoy it, but I go to gym often, I swim whenever I can, I run a lot. I do it to keep fit, to look good, to feel good. I run the most, cause its easy and Punggol is a nice place to run.

It's not a hobby, but I still love running."

As posted, I did the full marathon a few days ago. I've not fully recovered yet, and will probably still take a few days more before I can work out again. My buddy tweeted about over fitness for people who actually runs 42.125km. Yeah just say it in my face, you bitch. There's this thing known as the # or @ function.

I'll keep running. And one day, when you struggle to pass 2.4, and I don't, when you become fat and I don't, when you become weak and I don't, we'll all know why.


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