Monday, February 15, 2010

Event: Chinese New Year

And here it comes again, yet another Chinese New Year Day. Year in, year out, this supposedly festive season never fails to prove to me how much I've grown since I was young (or rather, how much I've aged).

Mayhaps it's because I havn't seen my relatives for almost a year now, this year's CNY really showed me how I have approached adulthood and might as well considered a 21st year old adult already (though there's still some time left). This year, I didn't show much of a childish whims to my elders and more so, I spoke to them about serious issues. I was discussing about army life with some of my cousins and uncles. I was discussing about some of my younger cousins' rebellious stages in life with my uncle. I spoke to my cousin-in-law about Facebook and its undesirable effects. I shared some stuff about time management with my older cousins. Strangely, I felt that I had these things in mind all along. Was it a subtle change in my mindset? Was it due to the fact that I havn't seen my relatives for ages? Or did I just boom and grow up in an instant?

Maturity is a strange thing indeed. I also spoke to 2 of my closest cousins, both only a couple of years apart from me, about how we grew up. It was a intriguing thought. Who knew that we grew out of our bratty selves back from when we were 10 and so on, except when we spoke about it ourselves?

Perhaps you will find new-found maturity, if you stopped to think about it? I truly hope my family members will stop to think, even if a while. It's time to grow up, even if you don't want to. Harsh reality, yes. But it'll be easier if you mature. Take heed.

(that said, it was a really enjoyable time to have met up with my relatives again. these are the people whom i share blood ties with, and I can imagine how so, and why I enjoyed the time spent with them. it's in the blood, they say.)

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