Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tech Speak: Google VS China - The Showdown

Google has finally come to a conclusion for its take on China. Early this year, after Google was cyber attacked by the Chinese, Google has announced that it can no longer censor its products on google.cn. Even though there were many times between now and then that Google tried to uncensor its search results, and failed terribly (reports show that Google uncensored then censored again, repeating this for a number of times).

Google first broke its "don't be evil" mantra when it sealed the deal with China to allow Google content in China. Though it claimed that small evil deeds sometimes are required for the greater good, in this case to bring content to the Chinese, it is still widely recognised by most that it has betrayed the motto for its own benefits. That said, who wouldn't want a piece of the large Chinese market?

With Google's decision to deliver content to the Chinese through their Hong Kong servers, Google hopes to make everyone happy. However, no matter how I look at it, I don't see why China will just let Google announced that the Chinese can access uncensored content through another means. Even for the consumers, competing with the Hong Kong people for bandwidth doesn't sound like a good idea either.

China will block google.com.hk. Wanna bet?

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