Monday, August 16, 2010

Brain Storm: Catching Game

A really important and close friend left last night. A bunch of us went to see him off. Frankly, its not like he's not coming back. And its not like he's going for all 4 years. A full year, its neither long nor short. Yet, all of us could feel it. There's gonna be a gap. Somewhere in our lives there will be a hollow spot for a year.

But that's reality. People come and go. New paths open up. Choices are made. Life goes on. The only thing we can do is to hugz hugz kiss kiss before separation, and make that promise, to go back into our catching game. I'll catch up with your life, and you with mine, someday, soon.
The catching game. A never ending game where you attempt to catch your friend while he attempts to catch you as well. This game usually lasts a lifetime if the friendship is strong. This is the only game where the saved game will never get deleted.

I feel a little lonely tonight. Do you?

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