Friday, July 30, 2010

Brain Storm: Away From Home Once Again

A friend said "tell me how it is like on the first day after you moved into your dorm". I went "huh for what?". And he said "you never had your own room before right?".

That's right. I've never had my own room. All these times I either had my brother or my platoon with me. Oh well there was this once when I was the only guy on weekend duty in my bunk and I slept alone the night before. But either way, this time, the setting is different.  I'm not there to play, I'm not there to relax, I cannot have a heck-care attitude no more.

I'll be all alone, I'll be independent. Just watch, I'll be okay on my own.

1 comment:

Yong Wen said...

Jia you!