Wednesday, March 03, 2010

TechieEat: Full Tea Latte @ Starbucks

This is still quite new. Starbucks is offering a new series of full tea lattes. Previously they only had chai tea I think and I heard it's freaking bitter. Now, I like my coffee and teas slightly bitter but anything without milk is a big no no. I went to the counter, pointed to the poster and stupidly asked if they offered that many different types of tea lattes as the words as such "earl grey, mint" etc were on the poster. She explained that those won't really flavours but ways to customise my drink. I chose Earl Grey over English Breakfast and I think that was downright a big mistake. The vanilla taste was strong. I didn't really understand what's the sweetness until my friend who's a barista explained it to me. He mentioned that English Breakfast tea latte will be less sweet. Despite all this, I shall do Earl Grey tea latte justice. The latte is has subtle tea flavour, with strong and fragrant vanilla aftertaste. It is sweet yet the tea has its gentle characteristics. This is not for the bitter-hearted such as myself, but if you love tea yet prefer it to have some the-liked-by-all-vanilla taste, Earl Grey Tea Latte is the way to go.

Oh by the way, they let me try their new Earl Grey Cream Pot as well. It's truly amazing how tea can be made into cream with such full bodied taste, much unlike the Earl Grey tea latte. Fascinating.

Starbucks - Fusionopolis
Ambience - 3/5
Earl Grey Tea Latte - 3.5/5 

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