Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Tech Speak: To Girl With Love

I think I've show off here that I own a Zune HD before. I chanced upon this website which took the Zune apart to see what is inside. On the metal plate inside, the words "For our princess" were engraved. I read that this was a tribute to a lady on the Zune Development Team who pass away halfway through the project. I don't think the person who took it apart was from Microsoft. Let's say even if we assume that not every single piece of Zune HD was engraved, wouldn't you still think that it's so nice of them to have engraved one or a few for her memories' keepsake? They even engraved it inside the Zune, as if to show that she was a part of the product, a part of the process of creating this device.

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