Monday, October 18, 2010

Brain Storm: It's Okay To Have A Personality

We were at our friend's 21st birthday. She had some activities planned out and one of them was to ask us a few questions about herself and test how much we know about her. As the emcee was asking, this seems like quite a thick skin thing to do, but yet I do not think she's thick skin at all. It's just so natural. On the other hand, I imagine being flamed and rotten eggs thrown at me if I had done this when I had my 21st birthday celebration.

I used to think that there are certain personality types which are plain annoying and I should just avoid them completely. But I guess I can't really avoid them for the rest of my life. Now, I try to open up a little more and be more accepting. I mean, I know I still judge people rather harshly  these days, but I'm trying already. I suppose its okay to have a personality. That's what makes the world more colourful, ain't it?

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