Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Brain Storm: Regrets

I met a really good friend whom I haven't met for half a year lately and she mentioned about doing something crazy about her hair but she's afraid she'll regret it. I said she'll probably regret it more if she hadn't tried it in the future. She commented "ya people always say you'll regret something which you didn't do more than something you did. Why ah?" And I said,

If you tried something and regretted it, at least you knew the outcome. If you didn't try it at all, you wouldn't have known how it would turn out. And you can never turn back time to try it again.

She said that's true. But is it really? If you tried something, that also meant the other alternative, ie not doing it, was an attempt, it's also an outcome you wouldn't know. I told a friend this before, life is full of regrets, because you would never know how "otherwise" would have turned out.

Still I believe there are ways to lessen such negativity. Listening to your heart, then rationalising, bracing yourself, recalling your conviction. These help. Most of all, I believe in myself. That I will pull through. That I can make things right. That nothing is perfect. That I want to live my life the way I want it, not how society or anyone else wants me to.

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