Saturday, December 03, 2011

Brain Storm: You Are The Apple Of My Eye

I just watched the Taiwanese movie "You Are The Apple of My Eye".

Frankly it didn't get in touch with me that much especially when it comes to the school years because my younger days were pretty boring. But it did give me some insights about the topic of love.

It's a really strange thing. Sometimes two persons can be so in love with each other. Sometimes you don't really need a reason. Even if both parties are really incompatible. Sometimes it can become too much of a challenge. I always believed that nothing can be an obstacle to true love. If you really love each other, you can compromise. As long as you try, put in effort from both sides, seek understanding, communicate and build trust, most things are possible.

Yet, that isn't that case usually. We hear of breakups, we experience breakups. Do you think you can ever fully get over someone after you fell for the person once? I'm not sure. I don't think so. This is especially so when there is much yearning, when things are not working out even though you want to. How many chances can we give? How long can we fight? Is love really so transient? How much effort is worth it?

Sometimes, we give up hope on a whim. Sometimes, we give up hope thinking that we have thought it through probably, only to realise that we didn't a long time later. Then we realised that we still love our ex and we would still want to give it a try. But the awkward-ness, the past, everything that has happened, made it difficult. Maybe it was difficult for even one party to initiate again, to say I love you again, and to ask to be together again. Or maybe one or both parties are afraid to get hurt again. Despite the imploding memories and feelings, that step was difficult.

And from then onwards, we can only look at the sky and wonder if the other person is looking at the sky at the same time, and wondering if that person is missing you.
And we will wonder to ourselves, why despite loving each other so much, having so much faith, we still had to live our lives without another.
And we will wonder, what would have happened if we had picked up the courage, to forgive, to have faith, to trust that it will all work out even if there are difficulties.
And we will wonder, why did we give up, on a spur of a moment, after only considering for a short time, even after many years.
"In my next life I won't be the one to let you go".

"In the parallel universe, perhaps we are together".

So why can't it be this life? Why can't it be this universe?

I'll never know. Sometimes love is like that. And at the end of all things, despite how much we want to cry, we can only smile and say to the other person, take care and be happy. And despite saying things like "as long as you are happy, I will be", you know deep inside your heart, you want to be the person to make them happy. You want to be the main lead of that person's life. Yet, saying that is all you can do. And the most cruel thing is when the other party knows that you are the one who makes him/her happy, but that person cannot bear to tell you. Or that person told you, and you insist that it's not true, even if it is.

It's not just about feelings, it's also about compatibility, and what the future holds. But I would go against the world with you, for you. Yet, that's not what always happens.

And I can only say, "as long as you are happy, I will be".

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