Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Top 100 Movies in 2006

My classmates say my blog is rusting so i shall procrastinate no longer. I had wanted to blog about this long ago. The list for the Top 100 Movies in 2006 was out on 21st Feb and i just went to dig it out of my pile of newspaper.

I shall type out a few significant ones and only up till no.62 since i didnt watch anything beyond that.

1) X Men 3: The Last Stand (watched)
2) Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
3) I Not Stupid Too
4) Mission: Impossible 3
5) Night At The Museum (watched)
6) Superman Returns (watched)
7) The Da Vinci Code
8) Casino Royale (watched)
9) Fearless (watched)
10) Happy Feet
12) Curse of the Golden Flower
15) Rob-B-Hood
16) Click (watched)
17) Memoirs of a Geisha (watched)
20) Dead Note 2: The Last Name (watched)
22) Dead Note (watched)
29) The Lake House (watched)
32) The Departed
34) Dragon Tiger Gate (watched)
35) The Prestige
36) Garfield 2 (watched)
37) The Banquet (watched)
47) A Battle of Wits (watched)
57) The Covenant (watched)
62) The Guardian (watched)

Ok by significant i meant either i watched it or i wanted to watched by no time or got PSed.

Wow i didnt know i watched so many movies last year. Its really a pity that i didnt catch Pirates, Mission Impossible and Rob-B-Hood. The rest of the movies i watched are quite nice except a few like The Banquet and The Convenant.

The best ones have to be Night At The Musemum, Death Note 2, The Lake House and Fearless. I really laughed till my tears came out for Night. Death Note 2 had a surprisingly good plot for a movie though the manga was still better. At least the plot wasnt cheesy and L still died in the end. Fearless was a nice martial arts show though the plot is quite lacking. The Lake House has to be first romance movie i ever watched. One of my female friends actually said that she didnt believe that one of my male friends and myself will come and watch this kind of show. I dont crave for it but i do watch romance movie as long as they are not the usual predictable stuff. Lake was really nice. Its about how a woman was communicating with a guy who lived 3 years apart. Ya years not miles. So its kind of magical. Kind of cheesy but still engaging. My female friends cried. (oh lord) There was this one part which the male lead was crying after knowing his dad's death. Being a man he tried to hold back his tears, thus some weird noises as he weeped. Guys go try and you'll hear it. Well i wont say how i myself came to know about this but then most guys should (we're all humans right?). But this 2 male friends of mine actually laughed at it. Bless their day of hearing themselves doing it wont come too soon.

The best movie of 2006 for me would be Night. Its just too funny to be endured. Thumbs up for it.

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