Monday, January 25, 2010

Brain Storm: Stomping Blues

I read the above article with amusement. But I read the comments with sadness. The article was funny, as the kid who sent the complaint seem immature. His command of the English language was rather weak, but at least it's not totally broken English or Singlish, he saved his school's face at least this much. I used to be a hard core disciplinarian. Perhaps that's why I see the punishment as a valid one. Many people, the kid included, mentioned that such a punishment was stupid, and does not serve it's means. As a school disciplinarian long ago, I knew immediately that the rule was implemented merely because "the students are seen to be naughty and not mature enough". The school, firstly, will not present this as the main, or only reason to the students. It will be backed with examples, especially one related to long pants. To my surprise, according to old Saints (what an alumnus is called in St. Andrews), it had been a tradition for Sec3 students to earn their rights to wear long pants some one decade ago. Fair enough, a tradition is what identifies a school. Then, current Saints also revealed that they were already told about this policy before the school holidays and were told the specific reason why. (I'm working on the basis that the commentators were real Saints and speak the truth) The reason was due to a large number of students in the previous batch tapering their pants, thus the school wishes to check them when school reopens before allowing them to wear long pants the week after.

If the Stompers-Saints were speaking the truth, then the article will really funny, and the kid who wrote it, is utterly hilarious.

Now, on the issues I am concern with...

Firstly, I am amazed that the kid stomped this issue. No I am not militarised (I ORDed already btw), but I feel that the kid should really have spoke to the school first. No school management in the right mind, when a student approaches them to ask for a reason for a rule, ask them to get lost and blindly follow the rule. Neither will the school management agree to such a rule at the whim of the DM or the principal. I'm afraid that's not how it works, dear Singaporeans. Back when I was in school, we had to discuss with the DM, then discuss with the principal and the rest of the management team before we can pass a policy or a rule. Don't you think it is childish for someone who due to frustration wrote to the mass media to appeal for help from the netizens? A mature student, even deaf ones who failed to hear the announcements, would ask their friends first. Then again, I guess birds of the same feathers flock together. (actually I really think it's just that one guy) There are proper procedures in each organisation and even just based on common sense, one would not publicise their organisation in a bad way without solid evidence. I feel for the school.

Secondly, I am amazed at how many Stompers commented that the kid is right about bringing this to light. They spoke for free speech as well as the fact that "a kid don't have the power to go against the school and thus should appeal to mass media". I think this is disgusting. Why would we encourage our younger generation to be such pussies wussies? If for every minor issue a Singaporean would publish in caps on the internet, wouldn't all of us become immature and spoilt soon?

Last but not least, I am quite horrified by how many Stompers insist they are right, with such a command of the language. It's like getting a male blanga to say 我的阴胫很长 (my penis is very long) but he pronounced as 我的阴道很长 (my vagina is very long), it's not convincing at all! I understand that many people make careless grammatical mistakes sometimes but some people just looked like they try too hard when they actually know nuts. And don't get me wrong, I am not saying that those people can't express their views. When you can't really put it in the right words and right expression, just don't make it sound like you're God and whatever comes out of your mouth (or whatever you typed) is right. It's all about the tone.

That said I do hope I am not one of those who are immature, spoilt, inaccurate, make assumptions without evidence, hasty and has a lousy command of language while sounding like I am absolutely right. Another thing is, I think the tradition thingy is quite cool. While many will argue that tradition that is old and doesn't make sense should be removed, I do keep my stand that every tradition is special and as long as it doesn't hold back efficiency by too much, we should keep it and respect it. Traditions come from our roots and it defines us, no?

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