Thursday, June 16, 2011

Brain Storm: Dream Job When I Was Young

I went to the Science Centre yesterday, after not having gone inside for about quite a few years. I was reminded of what my childhood dream was. I was quite a geek since back then. I wanted to be a scientist. I looked up to Thomas Edison etc and found science fascinating. I remember telling everyone that I want to be a great scientist and invent lots of things back when I was young. I would keep asking my older cousins what's the age I'll be by the time I can be a scientist and what's the path I need to take. I would listen intently as if I understand what is JC and university at the age of below 5.

Now, I'm an electrical engineer to be. I'm not too sure what kind of electrical engineer yet but electrical engineers are great inventors of the world, considering how electronic the world has become. My dream job is still quite similar though I might venture into software instead of hardware. The bottom line is still to make the world a better place with more advanced technologies. It's not too different from my dream job when I was young, is it?

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