Monday, June 13, 2011

Brain Storm: Maturing When You Grow Up

I saw a junior 2 days ago on the train when I was on my way home. We had a pretty good chat, if I say so myself. He seemed so honest, so willing to catch up with our own lives. I am glad that I was treated like a friend and not as a senior.

When I see my juniors growing up, catching up with my age, it really heartens me to see them mature. Sometimes they don't seem to notice it. But I can tell. When I saw my junior, he seemed so sincere when we talked. Even if he wasn't sincere, it was great to see such maturity to be polite and all, even though I might have been a negative impact in his life in the past.

I used to interact with lots of people. I can't say I have been the best person to nurture people or create positivity in their lives. I might been too arrogant and too authoritative  to have been kind to most of my peers. As I continued with my life without some of them, I did hear of others' praises for me. I'm happy to know that among the bad things I might have done in the past, there were things I did right. There were people whom became a better or happier person because of who I am or what I did and I'm grateful for the chance I was given.

It's great to see everyone growing up. And perhaps I might have matured a little myself.

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