Thursday, May 27, 2010

Ramblings: Rich Spoilt People Should Go And Die

I was about to alight from bus 83. This woman who looks like she's in her early 20s grumbled to her friends "are we reaching already? everyone alighted from the bus. i've never taken a bus ride this long before!"

She looked genuinely upset about the bus ride. Needless to say she was dressed in some branded goods and she's all glittering. She also constantly whined about the fact that they should have taken a cab.

Bus 83 is a short trip service. From one interchange to the other it takes about 20mins. When I was going to alight, it was only 15mins.

Go kill yourself, bitch.


Lawliet said...

=X Your blog background making your text a bit hard to read...

Serene said...

LOL.. nice one, cousin! i agree with u...