Monday, May 16, 2011

Brain Storm: Personality Change

It's surprising how some people's personality can change 180 degrees depending on the mood. I wouldn't say it depends on the situation because we are always reacting according to our environment. It might be because one was experiencing problems of the affairs of the heart or it might be because you are talking to a lover instead of a friend. Your expectations, views, stance might all change, drastically.

When I did my personality test in Sec 4, I found out that my personality is, as everyone guess it, a self righteous, arrogant, hardcore, perfectionist kind of person. I get angry easily but I hide most of my emotions inside. An exploding introvert, you might call it. This remains my personality now, though there has been positive growth to my maturity and outlook in general. However there was a time in my life when my personality drastically changed. It just so happened that I was sitting for another personality test. Okay they might not be that accurate, fair enough. But the results of the personality test was jaw dropping. I was totally another person. I was facing some personal problems then. And the test results showed that I was a person who is crushed by outsider comments easily, extremely sensitive, no self motivation, gets upset easily. Basically the opposite of what I was.

I was appalled. And I think it may just happen frequently in my life. Pardon me.

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