Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Tech Speak: Extension Extends Chrome

Chrome Beta has something new. Well not really new but I just found out. Extensions works much like how Firefox's extensions do, but they do give a cleaner feel. Scripts are downloaded and installed into your Chrome browser. There are 3 types of scripts, one that affects the content of the web itself (Content Action), one that gives a button at your toolbar allowing you do some actions (Browser Actions) and one that detects what kind of web you're browsing and allows you do some action by showing an icon in the address bar (Page Action).

Try it if you don't mind using Chrome Beta.

Allow me to share some of the extensions I've used.

1) Google Translate - detects a foreign language in the page you're reading and allows you to translate the content
2) xMarks Bookmarks Synchroniser - an extension from xMarks that allows you to synchronise your bookmarks between computers and between browsers
3) Google Wave Notifier - notifies you when there's a new Wave
4) Chromed Bird - access your twitter just by clicking. its just a pop up and you can close it just by clicking on the icon again. Shows the number of tweets you want and allows you to tweet and even instantly shorten your link. Sweet.
5) Facebook Notification - Something like Chromed Bird, quite buggy though. Not recommended
6) Google Mail Checker - shows how many unread mails and opens your Gmail when you click on it
7) Flash Block - blocks any flash content on a webpage
8) Docs/PDF/Powerpoint Viewer by Google - haven't tried it yet
9) RSS Subscription Extension - detects a webpage that allows RSS subscription and shows an icon in the address bar. Click to subscribe
10) Beautify Facebook - adds transparency and shadows to your facebook interface
11) Shareaholic - allows you to share any link to quite a few sharing websites such as twitter and facebook
12) Google Calender Checker by Google - tells you when is your next appointment
13) Cooliris - lets you browse supported web photos and computer photos in 3D, also has other content provided

Cooliris showing my facebook album

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