Monday, March 01, 2010

Brain Storm: Brush Past And Be Forgotten

Do you used to be able to remember the class register number of your classmates? Maybe not all, but you would have remembered some at least right? Do you still remember all your primary school classmates' names? Do you remember how the important friends of yours back then influenced you and made an impact in your life? Can you recall the memorable times you spent together with them?

I met up with my primary school classmate on Thursday. It was kind of awkward at first, since we havn't met for 7 years. We tried to recollect all the things that happened when we were in primary 5 and 6, and we're surprised to find out that we forgot a lot of it and at the same time surprised that we remembered so much.

We sat there, we tried to remember. She asked, "Who else was there in 6/1?" I answered, "Oh yeah there's so and so." Then silence. And I asked "Which other girls were in there 6/1?" She replied "Oh you know recently so and so..." It repeats. Before long, we got half the class out (but we couldn't remember all). And it was amusing how we actually did connect with our classmates
one way or another after everyone last saw each other when we were in Secondary 2.

There's this guy whom she was quite close with, and I spoke to him online last year. There's another guy whom she invited to a party when we were sec 3 and I saw him 2 years ago at Recruit Express. There's this other person whom was quite close with all of us and I saw him during Stanchart Marathon last year, she saw him in NUS last week. I see updates of this other girl quite often.

We remembered things which were interesting. Like how this guy and gal quarrelled. Like how we used the internet on a computer in the class after PSLE was over. Like how we sat beside each other and the 2 guys behind us always disturb us. Like how it was a "cool" thing to talk on the phone, even among guys last time. Like how I always walk home with one friend, and chat on the phone with another friend everyday without fail.  I wonder how many of them even remembers that?

Now everyone's changed. Okay apart from the fact that she insisted that I still look the same (but hello, I have 2 earholes now and dyed hair, how can that be the same?). Someone has depression now. One other has some bad illness. One guy became an ah beng (not me!). One signed on. Another is having happening life in university. One is probably studying in US now. One joined MLM. One changed from JC to polytechnic.

These people were once in my life. For a period of time, they were everything I've got. For a period of time, they were people who brushed past my life. How many people used to be significant in your life? How many of them became mere shadows who never returned? How much of the memories with them have you lost? I was kinda shocked. My memory is considered one of the best among my friends, at least, used to (I can remember all sorts of weird, little things). Nowadays I find that my memories lie to me a lot. I assume that I always remember things correctly, but lately it always turns out that I was wrong. Scary isn't it.

There must be some people in your life whom you don't want to remain as shadows. There must be memories you hold dear which you don't want to lose. Take heed, they slip away as time passes. And time, it does not wait (techiewen: god, I love this phrase from Final Fantasy VIII).

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