Monday, April 05, 2010

Brain Storm: Not Too Many Friends Please

I used to think that people with many friends are cool. Some people are just inherently popular everywhere they go, thus they have plenty of friends. I always wonder how great it would be if lots of people swarm towards me when I make an entrance, and how wonderful it'll feel to be well liked by many. I have never been a social animal. I don't like to meet new people nor make new friends. If there is no need to talk to strangers, I won't. Yet I want to be popular. But they say nothing comes without effort.

Then one day, I realised, it might not be well to be too popular. In the first place, I think everyone needs their own set of so-called "closest friends". These people should know most of what there is to know about you. And more than anything else, these people should genuinely care for you, and WANT to care for you. If not, no matter how superficially popular one is, he or she is truly lonely.

I looked around me, the people, and the things that happen. I suddenly do not want to have too many friends anymore. Having too many friends whom I am not very close with kind of defeat the purpose of having friends. If you have tons of friends, but none is willing to step forward and help you, or, go out of his way to tell you that you suck, and then still hang out with you, then isn't that very sad?

Isn't it sad if you don't have somebody to pour out your soul to?
Isn't it sad if you don't have somebody to enslave when you need helpers?
Isn't it sad if you don't have somebody to sit and look at each other for a long time, without feeling awkward at all?
Isn't it sad if you don't have somebody whom you can call a friend with a smile and knowing that they think the same, with a smile?

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