Friday, April 16, 2010

Event: Happy Birthday

Ok so like its been a month and its about time I actually post something about my 21st birthday. I think I might have forgotten what I wanted to say here already...

Being 21 is overrated. I didn't feel any difference on the day I turned 21. Okay maybe except a tinge of sadness cause compared to everyone else turning 21 this year, I have an awfully few number of well wishes. But oh well its okay, that's because I didn't put my birth date on Facebook. In any case, the birthday song that my girlfriends sang for me at 10am in the morning through phone was the best. They said they love me so much. HUR HUR. Too bad, it was Liyue and Yinning, LOL.

21st celebration is pain in the ass. It's like, everyone's doing it! What's the big deal? But if you don't do it, you'll be the odd one out, for the bad reason. So anyway it took me a long time to consider whether or not to hold a celebration bash thingy. First, its troublesome. It's expensive. The host have to entertain the guest, resulting in less quality time since you have to invite quite a number of people. Oh and you have to be careful when you're inviting people. You can't invite one big gang and leave a few people whom you don't like out, or there will be questioning. And boy, do I have to wonder this very strongly, some people don't understand how birthday parties are for the people who are turning 21 in question and thus they have every right to choose who they want to invite. Though I can choose to just ignore or "hide notifications" like in Facebook, it still can get quite annoying and upsetting. Oh and for some "groups" of friends, I just had to totally not invite cause its too much of a hassle to leave out people whom I am not too close with. Last but not least, you get blamed if you hold the bash in a place without aircon and without enough seats or food for your guest. Extremely troublesome, period.

But having it had its good sides too. I can totally imagine myself having a good time (though I also can imagine myself having a bad time). I havn't met a lot of my friends for a long time and it was a good way to meet them again. It was also a good way for some groups of my friends to treat it as a gathering. This bash also reminded me of what good friends I have. 

Where else do you get friends whom you can force to prepare your food?
Where else do you get friends whom you can force to help bring the food to the venue?
Where else do you get friends who help to get the present that you want?
Where else do you get friends who went to cut their hair just because you told them that you don't want to see their ugly crops of hair at your birthday bash (okay except Kay Siong, at least Shaun styled his hair properly)?
Where else do you get friends who cab from another ulu part of Singapore so that they can reach my party in time?
Where else do you get friends who helps you QC all the food until he gets a stomach ache?
Where else do you get friends who helps you start the fire, failed to do so, and get blamed (by me)?
Where else do you get friends who forces you to sing so as to make it memorable for you?
Where else do you get friends who tries to get your darling to kiss you during the photoshoot (but still fail)?
Where else do you get friends who drives to and fro different places which need them and your birthday bash?
Where else do you get friends who wore red because you told them to? (actually i was very surprised by how many people actually really turned up in red, but i was also unsurprised about who did not come in red)
Where else do you get a bunch of guys who are totally nuts about arts, and still came up with a perfect, memorable, sweet 21st birthday gift which will (probably) never rot?

Thanks, all (especially to the 3 boys who did so much, boys because they're all younger than me). It was memorable.

thanks to all those who contribution and the collector Danny for my ULTIMATE GIFT the Zune HD 32GB

thanks Joshua for the gift, nicely wrapped somemore

thanks Wilson, its a really nice gift!

thanks Shang Long and Shaun Yap! i know you're trying to make me pick up the good habit again. i will!

i pestered, and i hinted, and my army friends got me these earpiece. really nice, strong bass, extremely powerful tweeters. thanks guys.

the best gift. all my friends are told to write their well wishes for me on a slip of paper then the 3 boys helped me fold them into stars and the smart boys chose to put them into the most fitting container of them all, my favourite Starbucks! thanks Danny Leonard Edwin and everyone!

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