Saturday, April 03, 2010

Rambling: The Legend Lives Again

Okay so goes the legend that "techiewen does not look like someone who has a girlfriend".

It might just be a curse that will not be lifted in years. I have no idea why I heard the legend 3 times previously. But I just heard it again.

Dear Leonard said "it would be really interesting to see u in a relationship to be honest".

NOW, I have absolutely no idea why it would be interesting. Okay, so like, I am vulgar, extremist, and cranky. But there are times when I am nice too!

What's so interesting about me having a girlfriend?

Do my friends think I'll change 180 degrees when I get attached since I am usually "evilish, nonsensical and weird"? I have my romantic times as well...

This is illogical to me. Period.

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