Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rambling: I Help Because I Am Obliged To Help You, NOT

1) To constrain by physical, legal, social or moral means.

This is the definition according to

Yeah you read that right. According to the definition, I am not obliged to help anyone. I am referring to the Singapore Kindness Movement's strong urge to Singaporeans to lend a helping hand to people around you when kindness is needed. From ever since I remember, I always open doors for people, even if they don't really need it, I always give up my seats for the needy. But I have never feel bounded by some physical, legal, social or moral reason to help them. I just... help them, you know?

Herein lies the big problem, with me. I don't smile. Okay, actually I do. But when I smile, other people say I am not smiling. When I don't smile, people tell me that I look like they owe me a lot of money and I have a knife in my hand and I am eyeing them a message which goes something like "you better f***ing pay me my money now or i'll chop off your limps and burn your house down." So sometimes I have to tell myself to smile "hard", which then makes me look like a retard. Anyhow, the point is, whenever I open the door for someone, and the other party says thanks, I either ignore (because I think its lame to thank such a small gesture), or I say no problem and smile. Yes, smile, which looks like me looking at them as if they owe me a lot of money and I have a knife in my hand and I am eyeing them a message which goes something like "you better f***ing pay me my money now or i'll chop off your limps and burn your house down," EXCEPT that I also said no problem. This doesn't bother except when I saw the appreciative smile of the other party coming off their faces when they saw my expression.

DO NOT discriminate me. I am born like that! I did not want this face of mine. So please do not think I am obliged to help you due to some physical, legal, social or moral grounds. I am not obliged to help you. Go judge the other guy who slammed the door in your face please.

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