Sunday, April 11, 2010

Brain Storm: Why I Love Being The Head Of DB (after graduation)

Whenever I go back to Xinmin, I always notice one thing. The Head of DB 2005 is around. The Head of DB 2006 is around. The Head of DB 2007 is around. And so is the Head of DB 2008.

It has been 4 generations. The Excos of Xinmin chosen to become the Head of Disciplinary Board for 4 years  are always together, always going back to support the school. I started realising that no other committees are like this a while back. I must say I was lucky. I chose the right people to join DB and the right people wanted to join DB. I told them I'm glad to have dedicated and capable juniors like them. And they being my cheeky, cute juniors said "yeah! of course!". Lol.

I like to go back to Xinmin, and know that my successors have done a good job, and know that they still come back to school to help out, and know that they loved being the Head of DB and that we all share a bond, a kinship that only we know. As we grow up, the gap between us as seniors and juniors start to melt and we became more like close friends and buddies, though we only see each other a couple of times per year. It's a relationship I appreciate.

And I swear I have been trying hard to not talk to them like juniors anymore. Hah.

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