Thursday, February 04, 2010

Ramblings: Acrophobia

Acrophobia is the fear of heights. Ok I am blogging about this because I have slight acrophobia. I say slight because I do not hyperventilate when I am at great heights. But I do shiver and become nervous excessively. It's a pain in the ass. That is because I am a rock climber (a little) and I used to do outdoor adventuring when I was in secondary school. Outdoor adventure club was my part time CCA for a while. Despite that, I am fearful of heights. Make me go near the glass ledges of shopping malls and my heart will skip a beat. My friends didn't really know about it until the recent Taiwan trip, though I myself wasn't sure how bad it affects me. But it seems that it's quite bad and Taipei 101 really triggered it. When I went to Recruit Express at UOB Plaza on the 56th floor 2 months ago, I didn't really feel a thing. After I came back from Taiwan, I started feeling a little dizzy when I went to Google at 8 Shenton Way on the 38th floor.

Today was the worst. I went to Google on 38th floor, my work place was a bank company on 48th floor. Just when I thought it's all over for the day, I was made to go to Recruit Express on the 56th floor. My lifespan just got decreased by a few years again.

Though frankly, all these has reduced my fear. With help and more experience, I may be able to reduce it to a minimal and go up Taipei 101 again!

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