Monday, February 22, 2010

Ramblings: Mood Swings

This morning I was in a very good mood. That was all the way up till early afternoon. Then I guess the ang mohs at my company pissed me off, certain smses sounded way insincere etc. Then I blew it. Now at home, the kiddos are driving me insane, I get blamed for hurting them etc. Darn, soon to be 21 years old and still having mood swing. This is wrong.

Side story.
This 2 ang mohs at my company wanted to open a DBS bank account. My direct supervisors ask me to bring them there, though it's just a stone throw away. They do look that stupid though. So I led them downstairs, and because we walked out of the wrong exit (hello I'm a temp, I don't know the building that well) and they decided that they could well walk themselves to the bank. So they walked in front of me, despite my efforts to walk fast (they're ang mohs, their legs are twice the length of mine). I overheard their conversation. Without hesitation, they walked into DBS Tower 1, which is the main office. Believe me, I wanted to ignore them and just let them make a fool of themselves. But I didn't, I'm so nice.

They also mentioned something about working in a primitive environment at my company cause the screens are all so small and they'll need binoculars to see. HELLO, you use a magnifying glass for this purpose, stupid retards.

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